Championing Education
Educating Champions

"The 3 Core Management Philosophies: Leadership, Innovation, and Development"
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POPULAR may have started in the books business, but it has never stopped diversifying itself in the business of knowledge and education. The book business formed the strong foundation that prepared POPULAR for its initiation into the Education & Training business.

When it comes to nurturing excellence in young children, PopularWorld Beijing’s three core management philosophies are Leadership, Innovation, and Development, thereby providing a valuable pool of curriculum and e-learning resources across different early childhood age groups. It aims to deliver holistic early childhood education solutions with state-of-the-art, scientific, and quality products and services. PopularWorld Beijing has a strong market presence and distribution network due to its partnerships with education administrative departments in different provinces and cities, while also expanding its e-learning platform rapidly. It has also developed working relationships with Beijing Normal University, the National Institute of Education Sciences, and other institutions and leading experts in education.


Popular Learning Hong Kong (renamed from EduSmart) is known as “Hong Kong’s Education Curricula Expert” in the business of private learning centres. It offers curriculum-aligned preschool and primary Chinese, English, and Mathematics programmes in its 40 centres, and caters to students of varying competency levels.

With a Quality Assurance team that looks into both teaching materials and pedagogy, tutors attend quarterly workshops and abide by a quality teaching checklist to ensure the best teaching outcomes. In addition to providing quality tuition services to students, it also organises seminars, panel discussions, and activities where principals and experts speak about topics like admission interview preparation, proficiency assessment, parenting, and more, as complimentary add-on services to parents.

Popular Learning Centres will continue to enhance the quality of its teaching and learning materials, expand the scope of its services and products, and increase its coverage and number of centres in Hong Kong.
